Hail To The Chiefs

All right, so the Vikings lost, which means I lost the bet with Arrowhead Addict. Now I have to declare today “Chiefs Day” here on The Viking Age. Seems like some kind of official proclamation is in order…

Thanks Ragnar – I know how painful that must’ve been for you. Almost as bad as the chafing from driving around on your Harley in those fur trousers.

All right then – today is officially Chiefs Day on The Viking Age. Let me begin by inviting any Chiefs fans who should happen upon this blog to rip into the Vikings in the comments. Call us wussies and other bad stuff. Also, I’d like to issue a formal apology to Turk McBride – you were right, our tackles are soft. Actually, they’re worse than soft – they’re comical. Like a couple of stooges who, if they found a third stooge, could become some kind of slapstick comedy act…

Throw some glasses on Ryan Cook and you’d have a nice psychotic Drew Carey. But I digress…

I have to give props to the Chiefs defensive line, especially Jared Allen and Tamba Hali. If the Vikings had those guys on the outside to go with the Williamses – that would be the greatest defensive line in the history of football. You wouldn’t even need linebackers or a secondary. Speaking of which…do the Vikings have linebackers or a secondary? Sometimes it’s hard to tell, especially when they’re trying to cover a tight end. Which brings me to the subject of Tony Gonzalez. He’s another player I wouldn’t mind seeing in purple. He’s far-and-away better than any of that crap we have trying to catch passes. Not that it matters when you have a QB like Kelly Holcomb, who can’t even get it to guys when they’re wide-open. I guess we know now why the Eagles had Holcomb fourth-string. Is it too late to get Brad Johnson back? Or maybe the Chiefs could be merciful and let us have Tyler Thigpen. Let’s see, we let Thigpen go because we absolutely had to have Kelly Holcomb and Brooks Bollinger on the roster. Oh yeah – those two guys were worth giving up a promising prospect. Way to go Childress.

Does anyone have need of a nerdy, clueless former offensive coordinator who can’t hack it as a head coach? Maybe you need someone to sweep up the locker room after games…

The mullet works for Chilly, don’t you think?
