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Stuff They Said: The Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things Edition


Things have gotten back to normal after the bye week.  Know how I know?  Brad Childress is talking crap again.  Here’s Chilly on why he’s not yet sure whether Tarvaris Jackson is ready to play:

"As I mentioned, it’s one thing to rehab in the training room and do everything that’s on that protocol, and then it’s quite different to push off and drop and stop at the back of the pocket and then avoid somebody and push off a little bit more.  We always kind of go with, “Can he protect himself for that step or two steps that he needs or long sprint?”"

Sorry Chilly, you lost me.  What was that about protocols?  And pushing off and avoiding somebody and pushing off again?  That doesn’t sound like anything Tarvaris was able to do when he was healthy.  There is one thing I agree with you on though – we’d better make sure Tarvaris can long sprint before we put him back in.  He’ll need that to chase down guys who’ve just picked him off.

Tarvaris Jackson had plenty to say about his return too:

"I’m just trying to get my rhythm back. I’ve been out almost a month now, and I wasn’t doing too much. … I was kind of worried about it coming into this week. Quarterbacks, we have to pretty much do everything and I wasn’t doing that. What I was doing wasn’t full speed. It wasn’t live bullets. So it was good for me to get back out there."


"It’s been kind of hard on the sidelines, watching and not doing much. You still try to be the best teammate you can be, and try to learn at the same time. But I love playing football, so I’m eager to get back."

Oh dear – I hope you didn’t learn too much from watching Kelly Holcomb, Tarvaris.  We wouldn’t want you to turn into a slow white guy who can’t escape the pocket and has a tendency to overthrow wide-open receivers by five yards.  We prefer you the way you are Tarvaris – a fast black guy who can’t escape the pocket and has a tendency to miss wide-open receivers long, short, wide left and wide right.

Bobby Wade is excited to face his old team the Bears:

"I think as far as in a personal sense it has a special meaning because I get to play against a lot of players that I came into the league with. See how things kind of progress and people leave and have an opportunity to go back in the position that I am now. I’m pretty excited about that. But first things first, and it’s all about business."

Yeah, what he said.

STS Where Are They Now?:  Marcus Robinson.  He got put on IR by Detroit and is currently in Chicago coaching peewee.  He remembers his Viking days fondly, he says:

"I miss the guys.  I check on them. I’m rooting for those guys to do well, even though I left with a bad taste in my mouth with what happened with coach Childress. But I moved on."

In Brad Childress’s defense…okay, I can’t defend him.  He cut the only decent red-zone receiver we had.  And now he has the nerve to complain about our deficiencies in the red-zone.  Dope.