Bernard Berrian Meets the Media

The Vikings introduced Bernard Berrian yesterday during a press conference. Here are some choice quotes:

Berrian on why he chose the Vikes:

"They’ve got a great running back, which we all know. I think the key part that we’re missing is the receiver to take the pressure off that running game. If you get both of those parts added in there, it’s hard to tell which one you are going to choose. Pick your poison. It’s a great offense, what they’ve been telling me, what they’re going to try to do with me, my role, and I really saw my role expanding here as opposed to being in Chicago."

I like that he said “the key part there we’re missing.” He’s already thinking of himself as part of the team. And he’s bought into the idea that the offense has the potential to be great, but just needs better personnel. You have to hand it to Brad Childress – he can sling him some bullshit.

Berrian discusses his blocking:

"I’m not the greatest blocker. I’m not going to lie. But that’s what practice is for. We’re going to work on it and I’m going to work on it to get better. I’m definitely willing to throw my body in there and block. I’m not the type of receiver that’s going to go out there with a lackluster effort. I’m definitely going to give it my full effort."

You gotta be able to block on this team Bernard. Hell, Childress signed Robert Ferguson last year just because he’s big and can maul people down the field. Ferguson was basically a wide receiver version of Jim Kleinsasser. Better work on that Berrian.

Discussing Tarvaris Jackson:

"He definitely has a strong arm. He can get the ball down the field, so there’s no need to worry about that. From what they’re telling me, he’s a very smart quarterback. He’s got the capability to learn further. I see only upside to him. I only see him getting better as we go. He’s a young player. He’s only going to get better with experience. I think that’s where we’re all going to get better. I’m going to make him better. He’s going to make me better."

How’s that Kool Aid taste Bernard? It’s nice and sugary and sweet now, but it tends to get bitter after awhile.

It’s early…everything’s always rosy and beautiful early. And what reason does Bernard have to complain anyway? The Vikings just gave him more money than he’s probably worth. Now he has to become a #1 receiver. There will be less pressure on him here than other places, though, because Adrian Peterson and Chester Taylor will still be options 1 and 2.
