Adrian Peterson Nearly Duped into Gaining Weight

Remember that plan Adrian Peterson had to make himself more powerful and durable by gaining 10 pounds?  The one Brad Childress basically shot down as foolish as soon as he heard about it?  Well, now we know where Adrian got the idea from, and let’s just say, the guys who planted it in his impressionable young head did not have his best interests at heart.  Jim Corbett of USA Today has the scoop:

"Adrian Peterson was seeking advice from several respected elders about how to take his dazzling game to the next level only to unwittingly fall prey to a Pro Bowl speed trap.Some defensive veterans were hanging poolside at the JW Marriott Ihilani Resort & Spa in Oahu, Hawaii, in February and had some wink-wink fun at the reigning rushing champion’s expense.Want to get better, Adrian?Here’s the surefire formula: Bulk up, one of the vets suggested. Add 10 more pounds to that 6-1, 220-pound frame and watch the extra yards pile up.Peterson, an earnest 24-year-old with the Minnesota Vikings, took the bait hook, line and sinker.That was clear when he espoused his newfound, self-improvement strategy to a couple of news reporters after practice the next day.“I don’t think too many guys would be too excited to see me at 230 pounds twice a year,” Peterson said then. “I’ll be pretty nasty.”Fortunately, Peterson’s father, Nelson, got wind of the attempted scam and urged his son not to sacrifice his 4.37-second speed over 40 yards by packing on added body armor."

AD’s dad knows which defensive player tried to work the scam on him, but isn’t telling.  All he’ll say is that Ray Lewis was in the group at the pool, but Lewis wasn’t the guy responsible for the attempted dupe-job.  Okay, this makes Adrian look a little dumb, but remember he’s still pretty young, and I think it’s sort of refreshing that he looks up to the older guys in the league enough to seek out their advice.  He’s trying to get better, right?  He just needs to be more careful about what notions he allows guys to put in his head.  If it ain’t broke, AD, don’t fix it.
