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Hartman: Vikings Stadium Price Tag is Still $1 Billion


The other day Star-Trib writer Rochelle Olson tweeted a series of tidbits about the current state of the Vikings‘ stadium proposal, including a report that $200 million had been shaved off the price tag. The report touched off a mad frenzy of speculation from multiple national journalists about, among other things, whether the reduced price tag would mean no roof, or a change from a retractable to a fixed roof, or perhaps even  – gasp – the removal of the golden bidets from Zygi Wilf‘s personal box.

But now it appears all the speculation was in vain: the reports were erroneous. In a column today, the venerable Sid Hartman said the price tag for the Arden Hills facility still stands at the original $1 billion, not $800 million as claimed by Olson. Hartman did sort of confirm Olson’s report that the Vikings are willing to raise their contribution from the promised $407 million if it means getting a deal done. He did say the $1 billion price could still be negotiated.

Unless Sid Hartman is having one of his spells, it looks like Rochelle Olson got it wrong. Another lesson in the danger of reporting information contained in tweets.

So what does this all mean? Right now nothing. The Minnesota state government is completely shut down thanks to the budget impasse and the Vikings have pledged to back off their stadium push until things get back to normal. I’m assuming normalcy will be achieved soon, unless Minnesota plans on having no government for an extended period of time.

No government? Many Wisconsin residents think this might not be a bad idea.

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