About a month ago Vikings fans were outraged for Adrian Peterson’s Twitter antics. Instead of replying to his followers and interacting with them, he “retweeted” nearly everything sent his way. Our top blogger Dan Zinski wrote a post on it for those that want to give it another read.
Just in the past week however two other elite running backs have taken to Twitter to do far worse things. Arian Foster of the Houston Texans recently Tweeted his followers “For those sincerely concerned, I’m doing ok and plan (to be) back by opening day. For those worried (about) your fantasy team, (you people) are sick.”
What Foster does not realize is fantasy football has exploded in growth over the past decade. He’s without a debate a top five pick for those that play and many football observers steadfastly pull for their fantasy teams as they do their favorite NFL teams. Just as Peyton Manning’s neck is acting up, both fantasy players and Colts fans are fair to wonder and to Manning’s prudence he avoids Twitter.
And then there’s Chris Johnson of the Tennessee Titans who Tweeted “Can all these fake Titan fans STFU on my timeline? I don’t have a regular job so don’t compare me to you and I can care less if (you) think I’m greedy.” While Johnson’s correct the timeframe of making money as an NFL running back is about 1/8th as long as holding down an office job, he’s off-kilter in wanting to be paid as a top player in the league rather than an elite running back. Getting testy with ones Twitter followers is no way mend the fences.
Both of these players are need to revisit their sense of practicality. Us Vikings fans should be grateful our stud running back reported to camp on time, is playing well in the preseason and other than a ridiculous amount of retweets that lasted an hour has been a consummate professional. Adrian will be paid in due time. Now if I could only get him on my fantasy team.
Jon Merckle may be followed on Twitter @thevikingpig