Over/Under: Vikings’ McNabb


What is this I hear about Viking Nation calling for Ponder if Donovan plays against the Bucs like he did against the Bolts?

Let’s play a little game I like to call: Step away from the ledge.

Here is what we have to realize. That was game 1 of 16 and for a half of game numero one, our favorite football club displayed some excellent football skills while playing the football game.

Look, no way should we see Ponder this early in the season. It’s kind of like when you got hired as an intern. You look. You watch. You observe. You learn. CPonder this is your internship. Helluva gig if you can get it.

The Purple brass brought in our man Donovan because they looked around and saw the talent wearing Purple and thought they could win with a QB. Donovan is more than just a mentor. If the front office only wanted a mentor for our highly touted intern, then Thigpen could have been had on the cheap. Donovan fills the shoes of mentor and the talent necessary to win some ball games.

Again, that was 1 game. I have stated several times that I could not appreciate our man Bill Musgrave’s play calling this past Sunday. I didn’t like it. I thought we wanted to avoid being predictable?


One more thing…we have to enter a little something I like to call: The Circle of Trust.

It was 1 game. I need to see a lot more football before I go Adecco and turn in my resume for the offensive coordinator position at Winter Park, USA. This is a new offense and each week they spend a fair amount of time installing new parts of the offense. That takes time. I will enter said circle of trust and believe that Musgrave knows better than this blogger. I will trust Bill until Bill gives me reason to not trust him with the best starting 11 this side of Fargo.

Remember: CPonder: intern. Good. Donovan: starter. Better.

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