Adrian Peterson Rips NFL For Jersey Policy


Earlier this off-season Adrian Peterson tantalized fans by hinting that he was contemplating a uniform number change. Turns out Adrian was doing more than contemplating it – he got so far as to inquire with the NFL about switching from his familiar #28 to #23. Unfortunately Adrian discovered a major roadblock to his plans. For him to change his number, he would have to personally buy up all the #28 Adrian Peterson gear waiting in warehouses for distribution.

Needless to say, Adrian was not happy about this development. “So I received a call and I was informed that I would (have) to buy all jerseys that’s been produced (t)hus far!” Adrian tweeted about the situation. “(And) the total amount that I would have to pay blew my mind!!!!!”

That mind-blowing total amount? One million smackers.

That’s a lot of money even for a guy making what Adrian is making. So is it fair that a player should have to fork over such big bucks just to change his jersey number? Adrian made it clear what he thinks. And at the same time worked in a little complaint about the skimpy share of licensing fees he receives.

“Ok so I see maybe ten thousand dollars of my total jersey sales! That’s it!!!” Peterson tweeted. “(And) I know I’ve mostly likely been in the top ten (w)hen it comes to top sales ! Why in the hell do I have to pay a Million dollars to change my number! I don’t even get paid a million (d)ollars by my sponsors a year! Wow!!! (And) I’m talking about my (N)ike deal!”

Peterson then got into it with some of his followers, prompting him to clarify: “#1 I’m in the top jersey sales! #2 I see maybe 10,000 from those sales. #3 I get paid under 1 million a year [through his Nike deal]. #4 but [in order] to change MY number I have to pay a Million Bucks! Somebody’s winning in that situation & ITs not me! So clearly with that said I won’t be changing my number.”

So what’s the verdict? Is Adrian making too big a deal of this? Or is this another heinous example of the NFL brass acting like dictatorial jerks? Seems to me a man should be able to change up his jersey number, but then again, I understand the problem that would cause for the merchandise manufacturers who’ve already produced stuff with the old number and would have to eat the loss.

So both sides have an argument. My side is, I can’t get too worked up about gripes between rich people. I just hope this whole thing doesn’t end with Adrian dropping another slavery reference on us.

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