Mike Freeman: Ustream Antics Are Hurting Randy Moss’s Comeback Attempt

Randy Moss hasn’t done anything as weird as eat Vaseline yet, but his recent Ustream antics have nonetheless been nutty enough to gain him lots of attention (even from the wacky Taiwanese animation crew). No doubt this will come as good news to Randy who certainly craves attention (otherwise he wouldn’t be on Ustream in the first place). Unfortunately there’s such a thing as the wrong kind of attention. Random goofballs and silly bloggers giggling over Randy’s tomfoolery is one thing, but what happens when NFL execs tune in Randy TV?

It just so happens that at least one NFL exec did tune in Randy TV – and he didn’t like what he saw. Mike Freeman of CBSSports.com writes:

"Everyone is watching, including NFL team executives. I spoke to one who said he has seen the Moss videos and believes Moss is utterly obliterating his chances of returning to the NFL. Oh, yeah, I forgot: on one of his video streams, Moss announced he was attempting a comeback.The executive said his franchise was once considering Moss, but after watching the video stream, the team is no longer doing so. So while Moss might be creating buzz for a future show, he might also be utterly destroying any comeback chance.The team executive noted that the one thing they would want to see from Moss is stability in his life. Not so sure a team watching Moss pick his nose and wipe it on his sleeve inspires a sense Moss has changed from a man-child to a grownup. My guess is these Moss videos are spreading across football like wildfire, and more than a few teams that might have considered Moss are no longer doing so. But I could be wrong."

Hopefully Randy will read Freeman’s piece and dial back the insanity. That’s if he’s even serious about a comeback. I say that because it’s just possible the whole comeback thing was nothing but a publicity stunt in the first place. Randy Moss Ustreaming is a story but Randy Moss announcing a comeback then Ustreaming? That’s a bigger story. Randy certainly learned enough about the media game during his years as a player to figure that much out.

On a purely selfish level, I hope Randy keeps Ustreaming. It makes for good blogging material. But if Randy is truly sincere about coming back he should get off Ustream and instead commit himself to showing NFL teams that he’s serious of mind and sound of body. That will help him a lot more than nose picking and talking about bodily functions.

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