Brad Childress Was Right In The End

This Bountygate story is really bringing out the emotions from a number of Vikings fans. As a number of media outlets have already stated, then Vikings coach Brad Childress complained to the NFL about a number of questionable hits from the 2009 NFC Championship game.

In an interview with NFL Network’s Kara Henderson aired on May 6th, 2010 our former coach was asked about it…

Henderson: As you look back on that NFC Championship game, what do you reflect on when you sit and watch the tape?

Childress: I think about us not having a three-turnover game the whole football season and we had five and still had an opportunity to win that thing. And we’ll look forward to teeing up against them again.

Henderson: Have you gotten over it?

Childress: I’m better now then when I went to go down and see Favre.

Henderson: Was there some anger about the way that Gregg Williams defense attacked him?

Childress: I have questions on calls that I felt like weren’t kosher and Brett’s been doing it for a while as well. But we’re not going to sit back and moan about it. It is what it is. It’s behind us. But we’re wiser for it.

Henderson: Have you ever seen a more gutsy performance?

Childress: I don’t think I have with what was on the line for that game and how he had taken shots all over the place. Probably not a gutsier one than that.

Kudos to Childress for talking about something that was mostly in his teams control for that game before getting into some questionable hits. Also an interesting choice of words to say “teeing up” against the Saints who the Vikings obviously opened the 2010 regular season. Perhaps Childress was still angry at Gregg Williams defense again to say “I have questions” in present tense still going back to that game and Henderson picked up on that to ask a later question. It’s evident from this video however that Childress was still bothered by that game. And don’t get me wrong, Childress made his share of mistakes that game.

It would be impermissible for us to post the interview on our blog, as it is property of the NFL Network. However, we highly recommend that you watch it in its entirety. The snippet on the NFC Championship game (with brutal highlights) can be found from 1:44 to 3:01.

Still at a loss for words over this. Might as well quote Childress one last time to finish this post, “… We’re not going to sit back and moan about it. It is what it is. It’s behind us. But we’re wiser for it.”

Jon Merckle may be followed on Twitter @thevikingpig
