First Account Of Adrian Peterson Arrest Suggests He Did Nothing to Deserve Being Arrested

A source has filled PFT’s Mike Florio in on the details of Adrian Peterson’s early Saturday morning arrest in Houston and…well, you be the judge. Here’s the full rundown.

"According to the source, Peterson, his girlfriend, and some family members were at a nightclub in Houston.  At closing time, a group of police officers entered the club, and they began instructing the remaining patrons to leave.Peterson wanted to get some water before he left, but an officer told Peterson that he needed to leave.  Some words apparently were exchanged, but Peterson eventually walked to the exit with one of the club’s bouncers.It’s believed that one of the officers then jumped on Peterson’s back from behind and tried to take him down.  (Key word:  “tried.”)  Other officers then joined the fray and completed the arrest.Peterson was charged with resisting arrest, which implies he was being arrested for something else.  He is charged for now with no other crime.Multiple witnesses recorded portions of the incident with their phones, but it’s currently believed that the best view of the interaction between Peterson and the police will come from the surveillance camera(s) at the club."

This account surely makes it seem like Adrian was peacefully exiting the club and maybe said something he shouldn’t have said to some cop who then arguably over-reacted. Unless there’s something this account is leaving out which is possible. Anyway, once that video surfaces – and you know it will – maybe we’ll have a clearer picture of what went down.

But for right now, it really looks like Adrian did nothing to deserve being arrested.

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