Jay Cutler absolutely deserved to be flagged for flipping the ball at A.J. Jefferson after a run on Sunday. No question that was taunting. Totally unnecessary and silly move by Cutler. Have to be smarter than that. Just take your yards and go back in the huddle. No reason for that childish bush league stuff. You’re a star NFL quarterback Jay. Act like one.
So the flag was warranted. But a fine? Should a guy actually have money taken out of his pocket for a silly thing like that? The NFL thinks so. They ripped $10,000 from Cutler’s pocket as further punishment. There goes Baby Cutler’s college fund!
I don’t know. A fine for a ball flip? That seems excessive. Roger Goodell must be trying to send a message about extra-curricular activity. I guess in his mind, if you’re going to nail people for excessive celebration after touchdowns, you have to nail them for things like this. There’s a certain consistency to it I guess. Makes you wonder though: If Randy Moss did his fake moon today with Goodell in charge, how big a fine would that get? If a ball flip gets you $10,000, the fake moon has to be worth at least $20,000.
Well if we’re going to go down this road, how about we clean up some of the really annoying stuff in the game. Like excessive first down celebration? The emphatic first down gesture. I hate that. Let’s get rid of that. If we’re going to get rid of stuff.
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