Minnesota Vikings: Lots of tickets available for chilly playoff game


The Minnesota Vikings and Seattle Seahawks might be playing in front of a lot of empty seats Sunday and you can blame Old Man Winter.

It is expected to be somewhere around zero degrees Sunday when the Vikings and Seahawks kick off their playoff game at TCF Bank Stadium, which could explain why as of Wednesday there were still reportedly 11,000 tickets available on StubHub, many for as low as fifty bucks.

Apparently fans are experiencing a rare bout of sanity in the face of the anticipated bone-chilling conditions. And I can’t say I blame them.

It will be nice and warm inside your living room and the game unfolding on the TV will be identical to the one playing out in the ice box of TCF Bank Stadium.

Why put yourself in position to be utterly miserable when you can stay home all toasty warm with your feet up watching other people suffer?

I know there are some who will slam Viking fans for not turning out but my guess is the majority of the folks doing the ripping will themselves be somewhere nice and warm at game time.

Let he who is without heating cast the first stone.

And don’t be dismayed if you tune in the game Sunday and see a half-empty stadium. Be encouraged at the good sense of your fellow fans.

Next: Rhett Ellison to IR

By the way, it isn’t just Viking fans who are spurning this game. Seahawks fans generally travel well but even they are refusing to opt in on this particular adventure.

If you are going to the game, remember to bundle up. I say the same to Mike Zimmer: no tough guy stuff Zim. Cover up that face. We don’t want you ending up like Tom Coughlin. Facial frostbite is no joke. And the manliness of old-timey outdoor football is an overrated concept. Being smart is underrated.