5. Adrian Peterson falls off his hoverboard
Everyone famous got a hoverboard this year for Christmas, leading to a rash of celebrities falling off the infernal things. Long before folks like Mike Tyson, Brandi Glanville and Darth Vader made hoverboard mishaps cool, Adrian Peterson was a pioneer in that particular area.
Technically the toy that felled Peterson is called a PhunkeeDuck but apparently the world has given up calling these things what you’re supposed to call them and we’ve all agreed to go with “hoverboard.” Peterson was messing around on his hoverboard at home when he got a little too tricky, actually trying to take a selfie while riding the hoverboard, and slipped off.
Thankfully Peterson was okay after his hoverboard mishap. Imagine how differently the Vikings’ season would have gone had Adrian actually hurt himself messing around on his toy. One little slip and history is changed forever. Without Adrian, do the Vikings make the playoffs? Do they actually go farther in the playoffs?