Who has a chance to be the Minnesota Vikings’ kick returner in 2018?

(Photo by Adam Bettcher/Getty Images) Marcus Sherels
(Photo by Adam Bettcher/Getty Images) Marcus Sherels /
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(Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images) Marcus Sherels
(Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images) Marcus Sherels /

Marcus Sherels – CB

This may be hard to believe for some, but Sherels is heading into his ninth season with the Vikings. He has spent a little time as a cornerback during his time with Minnesota, but Sherels’s role since 2010 has mostly been as the team’s punt returner.

Along with his normal punt returning duties, the Vikings had Sherels spend some time returning kicks as well last season.

Overall, he did decent as Minnesota’s kick returner in 2017. On 11 kick returns last year, Sherels averaged 24.6 yards and his longest return went for 32 yards.

For the role in 2018, the Vikings will likely be looking for someone who can offer a bit more explosiveness. But if Minnesota feels uneasy about any of the other possible candidates, the team knows they at least have Sherels in their back pocket as a safe choice.