6 free-agent returners the Vikings could sign in 2020

(Photo by Carmen Mandato/Getty Images) Kenjon Barner
(Photo by Carmen Mandato/Getty Images) Kenjon Barner /
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(Photo by Daniel Shirey/Getty Images) Dwayne Harris
(Photo by Daniel Shirey/Getty Images) Dwayne Harris /

Dwayne Harris

Dwayne Harris isn’t a name the casual football fan is that familiar with. He’s flamed out as a receiver in the league, but the reason he’s hung around the NFL for nine seasons is his ability to return kicks.

Harris has proven to be a dangerous kick returner as well as a punt returner. In his career, he’s racked up 4,204 kick return yards. Harris has only taken one to the house, but he provides the threat to score every time he touches the ball.

As far as punt returning goes he’s accumulated 1,825 yards with four brought back for scores. Even at 32-years-old, Harris has plenty of juice in his legs. He is still very fast with an explosive first step. With his age, he probably wouldn’t cost the Vikings too much. In fact, he could probably be had for the veteran minimum.

Harris wouldn’t just be a returner for Minnesota. He could also be the team’s fourth or fifth wide receiver. In his career, he has caught 77 passes with eight touchdowns. He probably wouldn’t see too many snaps on offense. but he would be insurance on the Vikings roster in case a starter or guy further up the depth chart got hurt.

Harris has also been used in the backfield on occasion and he gives Minnesota some options if he ever were forced to play a few snaps on offense.