6 Minnesota Vikings players that nobody talks about

(Photo by Emilee Chinn/Getty Images) Irv Smith Jr.
(Photo by Emilee Chinn/Getty Images) Irv Smith Jr. /
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Minnesota Vikings
(Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) Ifeadi Odenigbo /

Which Minnesota Vikings players do not get the recognition they deserve?

The NFL is full of players who feel like they do not get the recognition they deserve. This serves as a fantastic source of motivation for most. But for others, it can make them too eager in their pursuit of national praise.

There are plenty of individuals that currently fall into this category for the Minnesota Vikings. The organization has had some strong contributions from rotational players in recent seasons. And even those performing well in a starting role could be classed as overlooked.

This might be down to the marketplace not being as high-profile as other teams. But the Vikings have shown throughout history that if they have someone with elite production, it has the chance to propel them into the limelight in no uncertain terms.

Players such as Randy Moss, Cris Carter, and Adrian Peterson gave Minnesota stronger notoriety nationally. But in the end, this still did not bring the franchise an elusive Super Bowl.

This is all that will matter to Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer. He is about as understated as they come in terms of shunning any sort of attention. But that doesn’t appear to be a bad thing when one considers the amount of success that he has achieved during his time at the helm.

Minnesota is quietly fancied to go on another postseason run in 2020 despite losing some key veterans on both sides of the ball. This leaves the door open for players that nobody really talks about to make a name for themselves and bolster their own aspirations in the process.

We ranked the top six Vikings players that currently don’t get nearly as much credit as they deserve, so let’s check them out.