Norv Turner Agrees With Fans About Teddy Bridgewater

Earlier this year when fans took up the drumbeat against left tackle Matt Kalil, offensive coordinator Norv Turner swooped in to remind everyone that fans really don’t know anything and should keep their ignorant opinions to themselves.

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It’s a different story with Teddy Bridgewater who has been completely embraced by the fanbase after what has largely been an outstanding rookie season. Norv is right there alongside the “ignorant” fans, slurping down the Teddy Kool Aid.

Perhaps sensing that Teddy needed a public pick-me-up after a two interception game against Detroit, The Vikings’ offensive coordinator was effusive in his praise of Bridgewater in today’s press conference (via PFT):

"“It’s pretty incredible to me what he’s done, how he’s handled it, the things he’s gotten done and what he’s really done is made everyone around him better and that’s a quality that you’re looking for … the thing that excites me is he can make any throw you need to make — he does it with people around him, he does it with people hitting him, he does it when he has to slide in the pocket. He knows how to play football and that’s the starting point of the quarterback position. He’s got the intangibles you need and he’s going to continue to get better and better,” Turner said, via Matt Vensel of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune."

Like the majority of the fanbase, Turner is convinced that Bridgewater is the quarterback of the future. Unlike Norv, fans aren’t entirely sold on Matt Kalil’s ability to protect Bridgewater’s blind side in the present or down the road.

But of course fans are only smart when they think the way Norv thinks. If they disagree with him – even when their position comes along with a lot of supporting evidence – they’re just know-nothing fans.

Funny how that works.
