Adrian Peterson Has Prince of Arabia B-day Party With Camel Rides, Jamie Foxx


Think all the drama about his future is putting a damper on Adrian Peterson’s offseason?

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Guess again.

Yesterday the Vikings running back celebrated his 30th birthday and he did it in style: with an Arabian themed party complete with camel rides and celebrities.

Adrian Peterson dressed like a character from Arabian Nights and riding a camel? Yup. You bet.

Peterson already has the harem (and the far-flung brood to go with it) so why not look the part? And adopt the proper mode of conveyance?

How huge was Adrian’s bash? Jamie Foxx even showed up.

It’s nice to know Peterson isn’t allowing himself to get stressed out by all the speculation about where he will end up playing in 2015.

Peterson knows he’s going to play somewhere. He’d likely prefer to play in Arizona, where the climate is a little more camel-friendly.

Come to think of it, could the Arabian theme be a subtle message to the Vikings? Could Adrian be telling Rick Spielman he wants to go play in the desert?

Maybe I’m reading too much into this.

I do know this: If Peterson wants to go on living the life of a sheik, his best bet is to stay in Minnesota. He’s not getting $13 million in Arizona or anywhere else except Minny.

Next: Peterson's Agent Refuses Dinner Offer From Vikings

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