Adrian Peterson’s Agent Reportedly Refuses Dinner Invitation From Rick Spielman


The Adrian Peterson saga has officially become Real Housewives of Minneapolis.

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Amid all sorts of highly suggestive reports indicating the Vikings are at least trying to accommodate Adrian Peterson by trading him out of Minnesota, Peterson’s combative agent Ben Dogra has reportedly rejected a request by GM Rick Spielman to sit down for dinner at the upcoming owner’s meetings in Arizona.

Yup, that’s what it’s come to. Pure soap opera.

Remember that the same Mr. Dogra also reportedly got into an altercation with Vikings exec Rob Brzezinski at the combine that nearly escalated into fisticuffs. So things might be tense between Dogra and the Vikings front office (ya think?).

Tension or no tension, why would Dogra decline the opportunity to meet face-to-face with Spielman and perhaps hash out any issues that might linger between the two sides?

We’re forced to conclude from this report that Ben Dogra is behaving like a recalcitrant ass despite the Vikings’ best efforts to keep things civil.

Since almost every media report this time of year is leaked by someone for some specific purpose, what do we assume might be the purpose of this report?

What could be accomplished by making Dogra look bad? It almost feels like a purely vindictive move against someone who has progressed beyond the point of being reasoned with.

If the relationship between the Vikings and Peterson’s camp has really deteriorated to the point where people are taking anonymous shots at each other through the media…well, that would not be helpful.

This report also makes us take a second look at recent statements from the Vikings saying they will not cut Peterson. Originally I assumed that was for the benefit of other teams, but could the statement have been aimed more at Peterson and his people?

Just throwing it out there but what if there are no trade talks going on (we don’t know for sure if there are), and Peterson’s people are just looking for a straight release. That would explain the Vikings being so adamant about not cutting him. And it might explain why we’ve now reached the point where Peterson’s agent is sort of being called out.

The underlying purpose of all this might be making a direct plea to Adrian Peterson. A plea to stop taking Ben Dogra’s advice and work things out in a more constructive fashion.

Something tells me there will be more catty reports in the coming days as this all degenerates into Joan Collins vs. Linda Evans. Fun offseason.

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