Adrian Peterson Shows Off His Ninja Moves (Video)


Adrian Peterson has to wait until April 15th to find out if he will be reinstated by the NFL. In the meantime, the running back is preparing himself for possible life after football by learning new skills.

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In this video clip Peterson shows off the new ninja move he learned from his ten-year-old brother. Woah, Adrian Peterson’s brother is a ninja?

This move will come in handy if Adrian ever finds himself doing battle against Chuck Norris.

Besides his ninja training, Adrian has also been busy racing comedians. Yeah it’s been a full offseason for Peterson. He’s definitely not sitting on his butt as many have feared.

After today’s revelation that the Vikings will not pursue a free agent running back, it’s looking more and more like Peterson will remain in purple for 2015. If you believe in the validity of such “signs.”

In truth, nobody knows what will happen, including Peterson. The NFL may not even choose to reinstate Adrian when April 15th rolls around. But thank goodness he now has a fall-back job. Ninja assassin.

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